The Most Powerful Weapon In The World
Strategic Communication Laboratories and the war for your
Steve Watson / Infowars |
March 8 2006
In a world where the perception is the reality, all countries need to have the
capability to manage their own perceptual alignment – otherwise someone else
will. We live in a global village, which is reliant on communication and perception.
Every country needs the tools to be part of that game.
A direct quote from the website of Strategic Communication
Laboratories, a London based company that offers "the most powerful
weapon in the world", the ability to manage every aspect of a conflict from one
operation centre.
Take a look around their website and witness sickening quote after quote
explaining how their vision is to allow the total control of citizens by their
government or their military, to keep it that way, and to facilitate conflicts with
and the takeover of other countries and the execution of total control over their
The idea put across by SCL is that if you can control the perceptions people have
of reality, then you can control reality itself.
As the world moves further away from the 20th century concept of the Cold War,
it becomes increasingly clear that the very nature of warfare itself has changed. The
old style conflicts were about overpowering the enemy and winning ground. The new
wars are about ideas, belief systems and ideologies. The battle is no longer about
winning territory; it is about winning minds.
George Orwell was right on the money when he envisaged the coming 21st century as
a battle based on the PERCEPTION of reality. in 1984, his classic warning to the
world, Orwell told us that we would have to face this threat:
The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He,
Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as
four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness,
which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which
the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into
history and became truth. 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls
the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of
its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from
everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending
series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control', they called it: in
Newspeak, 'doublethink'.
- George Orwell, 1984, Chapter 3 (1948)
SCL's vision is no different from the constructed artificial reality designed to
house the minds of the human race portrayed in the feature film The Matrix.
If you present all the people with a fabricated collective illusion of reality, and
enough meaningless distractions, they may stop questioning that reality when things
don't seem to add up.
Formed in 1993, SCL's customers include NGOs, police departments, military forces,
municipal authorities, and the UN. According to the website, funding for SCL has been
provided by a number of "private high net worth individuals" all based in the UK.
The company has invested nearly $20 million into research at what they call the
Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi), the world’s leading authority on
persuasion, communication psychology and public diplomacy. Given that they are the
"World's leaders" it is strange that they do not have a website.
SCL is about selling to the military and Governments, or those that wish to
control the military and the Government, the tools that they need to fight and the
win the information war for people's minds.
Within its OpCentres are all the tools needed to initiate an elite full spectrum
police state takeover - reality control. The SCL website makes the following chilling
The last 5 years have seen a flurry of Homeland Security scenarios enacted and
re-enacted on the streets of our cities. What if there is a biological attack, or the
detonation of multiple explosive devices?
However, a major flaw has emerged in many of the scenarios - the
unmanageability of civilians. They do not behave as they are supposed to. When a
virus hits a city, civilians do not line up for vaccination: they run for the hills.
When terrorists are looking for a target, it is the predictability of civilian
behaviour that makes the terrorists' job easier. What if there was a way to control
civilian behaviour when it counts? Imagine the benefits of having civilians as
cooperating partners.
Strategic Communication makes the people part of the solution, not part of the
But how do the so-called OpCentres provide the ability to do this? Well according
to SCL:
An Opcentre puts influence, control and power back into the hands of the
government and military, giving them greater power to influence the enemy in time of
conflict and enhanced access to their citizens during a crisis. For instance, an
Opcentre can be designed to override all national radio and TV broadcasts, allowing
the government and military to communicate with the public as the need
The OpCentres allow for powerful PSYOP campaigns to be conducted, which can
engender support within the national community for proposed military action or more
bone chillingly, "develop national resilience and behavioural compliance for homeland
security issues".
They also allow for the takeover and control of Financial markets, health
ministries, and foreign affairs.
Modules within the Opcentres can range from "Word-of Mouth Units" to "Cultural
Alignment Units" and previous projects SCL have undertaken for clients include to
"Design and develop a permanent military strategic communication
facility capable of delivering strategic and operational psyop campaigns for a South
Asian country." and to "Design, build and install a Homeland Security Centre for an
Asian country. The Opcentre can override all national radio and TV broadcasts in time
of crisis."
Internal security issues are covered too, with the ability within the OpCentre to
quell public unrest, manage large crowds or riot situations, prevent insurgency and
other such public affairs crises under the umbrella of a "counter-terrorism
Almost every country suffers from some problematic faction within its
citizens. These disaffected groups may be driven by religious fervour,
self-importance or just greed. In all cases, their ability to operate and recruit new
members depends on the perceptual environment and the levels of tolerance of the
state and its citizens. SCL specialises in producing solutions for governments so
that they can significantly increase their control and management of disaffected
groups as part of a wider counter-terrorism programme.
According to SCL, although it offers solutions for all departments of government,
it "makes sense" to give total control of of their installations to the Head of State
because other ministers of government may be "over zealous" or may not share the same
Perhaps there may be some ministers who are not hell bent on destroying the
freedoms of everyone and perpetuating endless psy-war on people and nations all over
the planet? hmmm? Perhaps?
This is the future of the globalist police state takeover, they have the
infrastructure in place, they have the ability to initiate the takeover NOW. However,
they recognise that perception is everything and we are engaged within an
They could not takeover tomorrow because not enough people would believe the
perception of reality that they are transmitting. Currently we are in
the majority, they still have a long way to go before their PSYOPS
campaigns and "word of mouth units" can do an effective enough job.
Of course the main task currently assigned to the "Cultural Alignment Unit" is to
create the perception that we are the minority, and that anyone who is not with the
Government is with the "disaffected groups" more widely referred to as "the
We are holding them off by spreading the truth and defending our freedoms in our
own peaceful revolution of information. It is our reality that is at stake, they want
to control our reality with conflict and disharmony and therefore they must continue
to create the perception that that is the way the world is.
As SCL puts it on their own website:
We live in a world of communication, where perception is very often the
reality. Those individuals that control the perceptions are the ones that control
virtually everything. Most modern conflicts are based on misaligned perceptions,
ideologies, opinions about religion, etc. If a government does not have the tools to
manage the perceptions which effect security, defence, finance, tourism, health and
foreign relations, then it may well find itself at the mercy of those that
We respond with the words of Orwell in 1984:
Being a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was
truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole
world, you were not mad. The obvious, the silly, and the true had to be defended.
Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change.
Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth's centre.
With the feeling that he was speaking directly to O'Brien, and also that he was
setting forth an important axiom, Winston wrote:
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted,
all else follows.
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Big Brother in the USA and Europe Grows
Big Brother in the USA and Europe Grows
JULY 2004; The EU Transport Commissioner
Loyola de Palacio and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell signed the agreement
which will combine The American GPS and the European system named Galileo. The
merger further advance the global monitoring satellite program. World users
will, with a single receiver, be able to use either of the systems or both of
the systems at the same time, promising coverage that is more, precise and
continuous. The Pentagon, which controls GPS, initially attacked Galileo as
unnecessary and a potential security threat during wartime, saying Galileo
signals could interfere with the next generation GPS signals intended for use
by the U.S. military. The United States is spending $875 million to upgrade
it's GPS with a stronger military signal that will be less vulnerable to enemy
interference than the weaker civilian signal currently in use. The upgrade
should be completed in the next decade. The 3.6 billion euro ($4.3 billion)
Galileo project is slated to go online in 2008. Its 27 satellites would more
than double the coverage provided by GPS. For Europe, the satellite deal also
lays the groundwork for separate, pay services that can be used in applications
requiring a higher degree of accuracy in GPS's civilian monitoring and
surveillance. In addition, European officials also envisage a more advance
service for government agencies, such as intelligence services, the military,
and police forces.
Big Brother is a metaphor that covers the regions of governmental science,
technology, the global monitoring intelligence community such as the GPS (
Global Positioning Satellites ) and many other similar entities that will lead
humanity into a One World Government where every human being will be marked,
tracked and monitored. The below organizations are the building
blocks of the coming global empire.
The Internet
The Internet has become a phenomenon in all areas of communications and
information. It truly is a Computer City connected by networks and data
machines on a global basis. Icann is the Internet Corporation For Assignning
Global IP Names and Numbers and The Internet Society,, is a
non-profit, non-governmental, international, professional membership
organization. Its more than 150 organization and 16,000 individual members in
over 180 nations worldwide represent a veritable who's who of the Internet
Navstar GPS
The U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) constellation of satellites plays a
major role in regional and global studies of Earth. In the face of continued
growth and diversification of GPS applications, the worldwide scientific
community has made an effort to promote international standards for GPS data
acquisition and analysis, and to deploy and operate a common, comprehensive
global tracking system.The satellites transmit signals that can be detected by
anyone with a GPS receiver. Using the receiver, you can determine a individuals
location with great precision. Advanced forms of GPS make location measurements
to better than a centimeter. The current GPS constellation consists of 29 Block
II/IIA/IIR satellites. The latest satellite was launched on March 20, 2004.
Block I satellites are referred to as the original concept validation
satellites developed by Rockwell International and reflect various stages of
system development.
The United Nations
The United Nations maintains its headquarters in New York City.The United
Nations (UN) became the successor to the League of Nations and absorbed much of
the latter's administrative and physical apparatus when it was disbanded in
1946. International organization established by charter on Oct. 24, 1945, with
the purposes of maintaining international peace and security, developing
friendly relations among nations on the principle of equal rights and self
determination, and encouraging international cooperation in solving
international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems.The term
United Nations was originally used during World War II to denote those
countries that were allied against the Axis powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy).
A conference at Dumbarton Oaks, an estate in Washington, D.C., was the earliest
attempt to permanently establish this United Nations. Representatives of the
"Big Four" (United Kingdom, United States, U.S.S.R., and China) met there from
Aug. 21 to Oct. 7, 1944, to draft some preliminary proposals, which were later
discussed and more clearly outlined at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 by
the Allied war leaders Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin D.
Interpol members include 181 global countries. Interpol has actively been
involved for a number of years in combating Information Technology Crime.
Rather than ‘re-inventing the wheel’, the Interpol General
Secretariat has harnessed the expertise of its members in the field of
Information Technology Crime (ITC) through the vehicle of a ‘working
party’ or a group of experts. In this instance, the working party
consists of the heads or experienced members of national computer crime units.
These working parties have been designed to reflect regional expertise and
exist in Europe, Asia, the Americas and in Africa. All working parties are in
different stages of development. It should be noted that the work done by the
working parties is not Interpol’s only contribution to combating ITC, but
it certainly represents the most noteworthy contribution to date. Herewith is a
brief outline of the achievements and the status quo of each of the working
parties: Interpol exists to help create a safer world. Its aim is to provide a
unique range of essential services for the law enforcement community to
optimise the international effort to combat crime.Interpol is one of the
world’s pre-eminent police organisation in support of all organisations,
authorities and services whose mission is preventing, detecting, and
suppressing crime.
Criminal Intelligence Analysis (sometimes called Crime Analysis) has been
recognized by law enforcement as a useful support tool for over twenty-five
years and is successfully used within the international community. Within the
last decade, the role and position of Criminal Intelligence Analysis in the
global law enforcement community has fundamentally changed. Whereas previously
there were a few key countries acting as forerunners and promoters of the
discipline, more and more countries have implemented analytical techniques
within their police forces. International organisations, such as Interpol,
Europol and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY), all have Criminal Intelligence Analysts among their personnel. There
are many definitions of Criminal Intelligence Analysis in use throughout the
world. The one definition agreed in June 1992 by an international group of
twelve European Interpol member countries and subsequently is adopted by other
countries. The identification of and provision of insight into the relationship
between crime data and other potentially relevant data with a view to police
and judicial practice. The central task of Analysis is to help officials - law
enforcers, policy makers, and decision makers - deal more effectively with
uncertainty, to provide timely warning of threats, and to support operational
activity by analysing crime. Criminal Intelligence Analysis is divided into
operational (or tactical) and strategic analysis. The basic skills required are
similar, and the difference lies in the level of detail and the type of client
to whom the products are aimed. The Criminal Analysis Sub-Directorate (CAS) at
Interpol currently has twelve Criminal Intelligence Analysts based in Lyon,
France. The CAS staff currently comprises of eight different nationalities,
enabling the unit to draw on a wide range of experience, contacts and
languages. The unit currently provides three main Analytical Services;
Operational Analysis, Strategic Analysis and Training / Consultancy.
Total Information Awareness
The United States is turning into a full fledged surveillance society
leading the human race into a global society of Orwellian surveillance. The
tremendous explosion in surveillance enabling technologies, combined with the
ongoing weakening in legal restraints that protect our privacy mean that we are
drifting toward a surveillance society. "Total Information Awareness" may be
the closest thing to a true "Big Brother" program that has ever been seriously
contemplated in the United States. TIA is based on a vision of pulling together
as much information as possible about as many people as possible into a global
database, making that information available to government officials, and
sorting through it to try to identify terrorists or civilians whom pose a real
or imagined threat to this Big Brother Society.
Federal Communications Commission
The media which covers the major areas of radio, television, and newspapers
may be under government control in the near future. A incident at the 2004
Super Bowl halve time show, where two performers, Janet Jackson and Justin
Timberlake, were involved in a sketch where the breast of Janet Jackson was
exposed. The furor over this one incident has the FCC fining
broadcasters and threatening to revoke their licensee. Incidents in 2004,
include the Viacom syndicated radio show of Howard Stern, to be taken off the
air waves on six channels with a fine of $495,000. Federal Regulators, prompted
by Congress, are cracking down on what they deem indecent and immoral. I find
this more on the lines of suppressing free speech and perhaps leading to the
media being controlled by the government. If their is anything more obscene in
this world, it's the controlling or
editing of free speech and creative thought. I find some of the most obscene
acts are committed by the government itself.
Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554
The International Monetary ( IMF )
The IMF is located in Washington DC. The IMF is an organization of 184
countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial
stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and
sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty. The IMF is a entiy classified
as the global money lender.
The World Trade Bank in Washington D.C.
The World Bank is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice,
technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income
countries to reduce poverty. The World Bank is run like a cooperative, with its
member countries as shareholders. The number of shares a country has is based
roughly on the size of its economy. The United States is the largest single
shareholder, with 16.41 percent of votes, followed by Japan (7.87 percent),
Germany (4.49 percent), the United Kingdom (4.31 percent), and France (4.31
percent). The rest of the shares are divided among the other member countries.
The World Bank's government shareholders are represented by a Board of
Governors. Generally, these governors are ministers, such as Ministers of
Finance or Ministers of Development. The governors are the ultimate policy
makers in the World Bank.
MI5 is the United Kingdom~Britain security intelligence agency with national
intelligence priorities set by the Joint Intelligence Committee and endorsed by
Ministers. MI5 is the major adviser to the British government on protective
security measures.
MI5 main purpose is to protect national security and economic well-being, and
to support the law enforcement agencies in preventing and detecting serious
crime and disseminating intelligence; investigating and assessing threats, and
working with others to counter them. MI5 was created In October of 1909.
Mossad motto: be-tahbu-lo-t ta`aseh lekha- milkhama-h, "By way of deception,
thou shalt do war."
Mossad is one of the world's best-known and most highly regarded
intelligence agencies. It is known for its efficiency, and many believe it has
made a large contribution to the stability and security of Israel. Its many
successes in serving Israel's security interests have earned Mossad a
reputation for being extremely effective as an intelligence agency. Controversy
exists over cases where it has employed the tactics of kidnapping and
assassination. It has also been at the forefront of several publicly
embarrassing failures. In Victor Ostrovsky's book, "By Way of Deception: A
Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad (Toronto:Stoddart, 1990)" we
discover many remarkable things about this "extreme right" organization.
Europol & Eurojust
The two law enforcement agencies named Europol and Eurojust, have been set
up to help the EU member states cooperate in the fight against organized
international crime. This cooperation in criminal matters is the "third pillar"
of the EU. Europol and Eurojust carry out very specific tasks in the context of
the dialogue, mutual assistance, joint efforts and cooperation between the
police, customs, immigration services and justice departments of the EU member
Secret Service
After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Congress
directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States.
Protection remains the primary mission of the United States Secret Service. The
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (Public Law 105-318) amends 18 USC
section 1028 to establish the offense of "Identity Theft." Penalties were
established for anyone who knowingly transfers or uses, without authority, any
means of identification of another person, with the intent to commit an
unlawful activity that is a violation of the identity theft provisions of
section 1028. The Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) increases the Secret
Service's role in investigating fraud and related activity in connections with
computers. In addition it authorizes the Director of the Secret Service to
establish nationwide electronic crimes taskforces to assist the law
enforcement, private sector and academia in detecting and suppressing
computer-based crime; increases the statutory penalties for the manufacturing,
possession, dealing and passing of counterfeit U.S. or foreign obligations; and
allows enforcement action to be taken to protect our financial payment systems
while combating transnational financial crimes directed by terrorists or other
criminals. 2002 The Department of Homeland Security is established with the
passage of (Public Law 107-296) which in part, transfers the United States
Secret Service from the Department of the Treasury, to the new department
effective March 1, 2003.
Department of Justice
To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according
to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to
provide Federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just
punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; to administer and enforce the
Nation's immigration laws fairly and effectively; and to ensure fair and
impartial administration of justice for all Americans. The Department of
Justice is headed by the Attorney General of the United States. Its major
component organizations include: the U.S. Attorneys (USAs) who prosecute
federal offenders and represent the United States in court; the major
investigative agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) which gather intelligence, investigate
crimes, and arrest criminal suspects; the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) which controls the border and provides services to lawful
immigrants; the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) which protects the federal
judiciary, apprehends fugitives, and detains persons in federal custody; and
the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) which confines convicted offenders.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
As computers and access to the Internet became commonplace in homes across
the United States, the FBI began to put in place measures to address crime in
cyberspace. It created the Computer Investigations and Infrastructure Threat
Assessment Center (CITAC) to respond to physical and cyber attacks against US
infrastructure. The FBI has also played a crucial role in the investigation and
prevention of computer crimes. In 1991, the FBI's Computer Analysis and
Response Teams (CART) began to provide investigators with the technical
expertise necessary to obtain evidence from the computers of suspects. In 1998,
the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) was created to
monitor the dissemination of computer viruses, worms, and other malicious
programs and to warn government and business computer users of these dangers.
In addition, having begun in the FBI's Baltimore Division in 1995, but
branching out to most FBI field offices, the Bureau's Innocent Images Program
has successfully identified and stopped large numbers of pedophiles who have
used the Internet to purvey child pornography and to lure children into
situations where they could be harmed. Between 1993 and 2001, the FBI's mission
and resources expanded to address the increasingly international nature of
crime in US localities. The FBI's budget grew by more than $1.27 billion as the
Bureau hired 5,029 new Agents and more than 4,000 new Support Personnel. To
prepare the FBI for both domestic and foreign lawlessness in the 21st century.
At the start of the new millennium, the FBI stands dedicated to its core values
and "Bright Line" ethical standards. Commitment to these values and standards
ensures that the FBI effectively carries out its mission: Protect and defend
the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats; uphold
and enforce the criminal laws of the United States; and provide leadership and
criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international
agencies and partners.
Department Of Homeland Security
Formally FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Homeland Security Information Network to Expand
Collaboration, Connectivity for States and Major Cities, February 24, 2004, The
Department of Homeland Security, as part of its Homeland Security Information
Network initiative, is expanding its computer-based counterterrorism
communications network to all 50 states, five territories, Washington, D.C.,
and 50 other major urban areas to strengthen its two-way flow of threat
information. This communications system will deliver real-time interactive
connectivity among state and local partners and with the DHS Homeland Security
Operations Center (HSOC) through the Joint Regional Information Exchange System
(JRIES). Other DHS agencies participate through seats at the HSOC and their own
operations centers, and the system will be further expanded within DHS
operations. Each state and major urban area's Homeland Security Advisor and
other points of contact will receive software licenses, technology, and
training to participate in the information sharing and situational awareness
that JRIES already brings to state and local homeland security personnel across
the United States. Examples of other points of participation include state
National Guard offices, Emergency Operations Centers, and first responder and
Public Safety departments.
The Department's research and technology focus will seek to develop
capabilities to detect and deter attacks on our information systems and
critical infrastructures. The S&T Directorate will develop a national
research and development enterprise to support homeland defense. This research
and development effort will be driven by a constant examination of the nation's
vulnerabilities, repeated testing of our security systems, and a thorough
evaluation of the threats and weaknesses in the system. DHS will promote
research and development of software and technology that will protect
information systems and databases. DHS will support the telecommunications
critical infrastructure by promoting research and development of tools and
technology to prevent disruption or compromise of these services. This National
Communication System helps maintains a close working relationship between the
government and the telecommunications industry One important DHS priority will
be to examine the vulnerabilities found in security systems. The emphasis will
be on catastrophic terrorism - threats to the security of our homeland that
could result in large-scale loss of life as well as triggering major economic
repercussions. The focus will be on both evolutionary improvements to current
capabilities as well as the development of revolutionary new capabilities.
DHS's Science & Technology Directorate will tap into scientific and
technological capabilities in the United States to provide the means to detect
and deter attacks using weapons of mass destruction. S&T will guide and
organize research efforts to meet emerging and predicted needs and will work
closely with universities, the private sector, and national and federal
laboratories. The S&T Directorate will promote research and technology to
develop sensors and systems to detect chemical and biological weapons from
production to employment. The S&T Directorate will promote research and
technology to develop sensors and systems which detect nuclear and radiological
weapons from production to employment.
National Secuity Agency
The global information explosion forced NSA to recognize it no longer had
the technological advantage. The Agency had to prepare. NSA is increasing its
partnerships with industry and academia and expanding its research and
development, and aggressively recruiting and hiring cryptologic professionals.
These changes are revolutionizing the Agency's capability to produce foreign
signals intelligence and protect sensitive government communications in a
digital age. These changes give warfighters and policymakers real-time insight
into the adversary's mindset. These changes ensure that NSA's capabilities will
continue to prevent conflict, shorten wars, and save lives. Since 1952, NSA has
been the world expert on cryptology and electronic communications systems. Our
early interest in cryptanalytic research and flexible storage capability led to
the first large-scale and solid-state computers and the development of the tape
cassette.Today, our work takes us to the worlds of knowledge discovery,
advanced mathematics, quantum computing, nanotechnology, networking
technologies and, of course, computer systems security.Some of the
world’s toughest problems come to NSA.
NSA’s mission provides our military leaders and policy makers with
intelligence to ensure our national defense and to advance U.S. global
interests. This information is specifically limited to that on foreign powers,
organizations or persons and international terrorists. NSA responds to
requirements levied by intelligence customers, which includes all departments
and levels of the United States Executive Branch. The ever-increasing volume,
velocity and variety of today’s communications make the production of
relevant and timely intelligence for military commanders and national policy
makers more challenging than ever.
The NSA has a tradition of dedicated, highly qualified people deeply committed
to maintaining the nation’s security. While technology will obviously
continue to be a key element of our future, NSA recognizes that technology is
only as good as the people creating it and the people using it. NSA remains
committed to its core mission of exploiting the Agency’s deep analytical
skill and technological capabilities to ensure the nation maintains a
significant strategic advantage in the advancement of U.S. interests around the
The Central Intelligence Agency
The (CIA) is an independent agency, responsible for providing national
security intelligence to senior US policymakers. The Director of Central
Intelligence (DCI) serves as the principal adviser to the President and the
National Security Council (NSC) on all matters of foreign intelligence related
to national security. Both the Director and Deputy Director of Central
Intelligence are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the
Department of Defense
DefenseLINK is the official web site for the Department of Defense and the
starting point for finding U.S. military information online. The home page for
this site is located at The mission of the
Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and
to protect the security of our country. The department's headquarters is at the
Pentagon. The mission of DefenseLINK is to support the overall mission of the
Department of Defense by providing official, timely and accurate information
about defense policies, organizations, functions and operations. DefenseLINK
first went on-line in October 1994, and is a cooperative effort between the
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) and the Defense
Technical Information Center.
The Pentagon
The Pentagon headquarters of the United States Department of Defense and the
nerve center for command and control, is virtually a city within itself. The
Pentagon presently houses approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees
and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel dedicated to protecting our
national interests. The Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense, is
one of the world's largest office buildings. The Pentagon is virtually a city
in itself. Approximately 23,000 employees, both military and civilian,
contribute to the planning and execution of the defense of our country.
The Peacekeeper missile
The Peacekeeper missile is America's newest intercontinental ballistic
missile. With the end of the Cold War, the US has begun to revise its strategic
policy, and has agreed to eliminate the multiple re-entry vehicle Peacekeeper
ICBMs by the year 2003 as part of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II.
Peacekeeper deactivation will occur over a 36-month period beginning in FY03
with missiles remaining on alert and fully mission capable throughout the
deactivation period. The Defense Department analyzed the role of the
Peacekeeper against projected threats in the post-Cold War environment and
judged that its retirement would not have an adverse effect on the sufficiency
of US nuclear forces. DoD plans to retain the booster stages for potential
future uses such as space launch or target vehicles The Peacekeeper (designated
LGM-118A) is a four-stage intercontinental ballistic missile capable of
carrying up to ten independently-targetable reentry vehicles with greater
accuracy than any other ballistic missile. Its design combines advanced
technology in fuels, guidance, nozzle design, and motor construction with
protection against the hostile nuclear environment associated with land-based
systems. The Peacekeeper is a three-stage rocket ICBM system consisting of
three major sections: the boost system, the post-boost vehicle system and the
re-entry system.
The Peacekeeper was the first U.S. ICBM to use cold launch technology. The
missile was placed inside a canister and loaded into the launch facility. When
launched, high-pressure steam ejected the canister from the launch silo to an
altitude of 150 to 300 feet, and once the missile has cleared the silo, the
first stage ignited and sent the missile on its course. This technique allowed
SAC to launch the Peacekeeper from Minuteman silos despite the fact that the
Peacekeeper was three times larger than the Minuteman III. An Automated
Information System (AIS) can be functionally described as a combination of
computer hardware and computer software, data and/or telecommunications, that
performs functions such as collecting, processing, transmitting, and displaying
information. Excluded are computer resources, both hardware and software, that
are: physically part of, dedicated to, or essential in real time to the mission
performance of weapon systems; used for weapon system specialized training,
simulation, diagnostic test and maintenance, or calibration; or used for
research and development of weapon systems.
As the Army Service Component Command to the U.S. Strategic Command, SMDC will
see an increase in responsibilities from its current three mission areas,
commanding and controlling Army space forces, integrated missile defense and
computer network operations - to five mission areas. The new mission areas are
global in nature and include global strike, space operations, integrated
missile defense, strategic information operations, with Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
(C4ISR) as the enabler.
The United States Strategic Command, or USSTRATCOM
The United States Strategic Command, or USSTRATCOM, is headquartered at
Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The command is one of nine U.S. unified
commands under the Department of Defense.USSTRATCOM is the command and control
center for U.S. strategic forces and controls military space operations,
computer network operations, information operations, strategic warning and
intelligence assessments as well as global strategic planning. The command is
responsible for both early warning of and defense against missile attack and
long-range conventional attacks. The command is charged with deterring and
defending against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The command
has worldwide functional responsibilities not bound by any single area of
operations. The command’s scope of responsibilities includes the
interrelated areas of space operations, information operations, computer
network operations, and strategic defense and attack. Tying these areas
together is a globally focused command and control, communications and
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance network (C3ISR).
With STRATCOM, for the first time in U. S. history, the planning, targeting
and wartime employment of strategic forces came under the control of a single
commander while the day-to-day training, equipping and maintenance
responsibilities for its forces remained with the services, the Air Force and
Navy. With over half a century of effective deterrence, the command today faces
new global challenges that cross many boundaries, and require a globally
oriented command, integrating space operations and global strike capabilities
using the full range of weaponry available today. On Oct. 1, 2002, USSTRATCOM
and U.S. Space Command both disestablished and a new U.S. Strategic Command
stood up at Offutt AFB, responsible for the missions of both.
Open Source Information System (OSIS)
The Open Source Information System (OSIS) is an unclassified confederation
of systems serving the intelligence community with open source intelligence.
Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO) supports all aspects of open
source information systems, spanning collection, processing, analysis, and
dissemination, to include network and distributed computing resources. The
National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) is the Executive Agent for a major
element of OSIS, the Open Source Service Agent (OSSA). Dr. Joseph Markowitz,
Director of COSPO has noted that while Allen Dulles was fond of saying that
open sources provided 80% of the input to the all-source intelligence
production process, "the more common contribution of open sources to the
average all-source product is on the order of 20 to 30 percent." OSIS also
offers specialized software and other tools to assist users in analysis and
graphical interpretations of data. OSIS currently makes available the National
Air Intelligence Center's (NAIC) SYSTRAN ® machine translation (MT)
capability to provide "real time" rough translations of foreign language
information. The MITRE Corp. has implemented a new, firewall-based architecture
for OSIS. The previous architecture did not support direct connection between
the internal network and the Internet, and each node required strong
authentication. MITRE developed hybrid, virtual private network architecture
that stresses usability and connectivity between nodes while retaining an
acceptable level of security. It permits WWW between OSIS nodes providing
node-to-node connectivity and Internet connectivity while reducing the need for
strong authentication.
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